Grand Piano 2

Thursday, March 24, 2011

SPM + Dream High

 SPM放榜了,我对我自己的成绩不是很满意,不过还好啦。我考获5A+, 1A, 2A-, 1B+ 和 1B。唉~~~~~昨天拿到成绩后就告诉自己要知足,可是知道有那么多人考到全A时,我就开始觉得不足啦。哈哈。不过有看到身边的一些好朋友考到全A,真的很替他们开心,我想他们一定也感觉很感恩吧。

 嗯,之前就一直有在追DREAM HIGH这部韩剧,真的很好看哦!在这里分享一下DREAM HIGH的经典语录。大家有空也好去看这部剧哦。

韩剧【Dream High】 经典语录

2. 听我奉劝一句: 这个圈子里缺的不是朋友,是竞争者。

3. 真正的战争现在才开始,漫长而艰苦的战争。这战争越来越辛苦了,但是也越来越有趣了。

4. 觉得抱歉的话就说对不起,而不是发脾气。

5. 真心为某个人唱歌,才是真正唱歌的滋味。

6. 如果出现了绝壁,那麼就把它撞到,便能把绝壁变成桥了。

7. 不能为朋友的胜利欢呼,为朋友的幸福而高兴的人,那麼他的心早已经掏空了。

8. 世上有两种幸福, 一种是过去之后才觉得幸福的幸福, 另一种是瞬间感觉到幸福的幸福。瞬间感到的幸福实在太难得了,太珍贵了,他们说这样瞬间的幸福感会持续很久很久。或许,我们可以把现在感觉到的瞬间幸福化 作一股力量,一份回忆。那么,我们就能够永远都能感到这瞬间的幸福,直到生命结束。

9. 就算没有胜算,只要不放弃,机会一定会轮到你!

10. 舞台,会给你答案。

11. 就算你不惩罚人家,那人肯定已经得到了惩罚。

12. 如果你的电视剧在这里结束的话——就在你没有义气,无视朋友,正傲慢的时候结束,那么或许,你不是这部电视剧的主角。但是如果你的电视剧结果不是在这里的话,那就不一样了。当你领悟到了自己的问题,会反省,会改正,成长后达到成功的话,这个电视剧的主人公就是你。

13. 你的电视剧要结束的话还需要很长的时间,所以不要因为走得慢而着急,如果慢慢走的话,比走得快的人能看更仔细更多,如果问我两个人当中谁成长得更大的话,我就回答慢慢走、看更多的人。

14. 我很抱歉小看你的梦想,因为当我自己有梦想的时候,我才发现:这世界上没有值得被嘲笑的梦想。

15. 说真的,关于这些孩子是否有潜质,我其实也不晓得。可是有一件事情是我可以肯定的——那就是这些孩子,比这里所有的人还要想飞……他们太爱这个舞台了,他 们的梦实在太美丽了,于是他们相信逐梦的路一定是很愉快的。告诉他们不要踏出第一步实在是太残忍了,不是吗?我相信对梦想执着也是一种潜能。而我今天,看 到了这种潜能。因为相信着这种潜能,我想告诉他们去尝试飞翔。我不知道他们的翅膀有多大,但是我很想他们去尝试。而为了确保他们的逐梦之路是愉快的,我会 使尽全力在背后帮助他们。

16. 当然,这些想飞的孩子会需要到安全网,而我相信,这个安全网,就是家人。

17. 你知道什么是成长吗?成长代表着愈来愈少的笑容。所以当我们成长的时候,一定要常笑,哪怕是假笑,也要逼自己笑出来。

18. 我不管她心里面有的是谁。我喜欢她就算她喜欢你,我喜欢她就算她讨厌我。她只需要,待在我看得见的地方就可以了。

 Dream High Quote:
1. “Do you know what a Break shot is?, It’s the first shot you take to break the rack of balls in a billiards game. It’s the shot that begins every game. You can hit the ball at the same angle with the same force, bit it’ll always break the rack in a different way. That’s how it is with life and important changes. Like break shots, changes can come at us from nowhere, and they completely disrupt our otherwise normal life. And most teenagers find themselves helpless in the face of those changes. If I can go back to those days again, I’d like to say this to those teenagers. The Game’s begun, so don’t be scared. Enjoy the game. ” - Dream high.”

2. “Truthfully, whether these students have potential… I don’t have the answer. But of one thing I’m certain. That these students, more than anyone here, want to fly… because they love the stage like crazy, because their dream is so beautiful, they believe that their road is a happy one. Telling them not to start because they might get hurt… is cruel, is it not? I think loving something like crazy is potential. I saw that potential today. So trusting that potential, I want to tell them to try and fly. I don’t know how big their wings are, but I want to tell them to start. And to make sure the road is happy, I’m going to put my full strength behind them.” – Oh-Hyuk

3. “I’m sorry for not taking your dream seriously. Once I had a dream of my own, I realized… that there are no dreams that should be laughed at in this world.” – Jin-gook

4. “Your drama has a long way to go before it’s over. So don’t force yourself to go quickly. If you go slowly, you can see a lot more, in more detail, than the people who go quickly. If you ask me who would grow more between those two, I’d say it’s the one who goes slowly and sees a lot.” – Oh-hyuk

5. “Mother, you lied to me. You said that the heavens would only give me hardship I can handle. But that must not be true for me. The hardship I’m facing is unbearably heavy, and cruel. Mother, I’ve barely started, but I think I have to say farewell to my dreams. What am I supposed to do now?” – Sam-dong

6. “You said before that you wouldn’t give up. That you would pull me up. Go ahead and pull me out. Please… pull me out.” – Sam-dong

7.“Do you know what it means to become an adult? It means there’s less and less to smile about. So we’ll have to smile even more, even if we have to force it.” – Sam-dong

8. “It doesn’t matter who she has in her heart. I like that girl. I like her if she likes you, and I like her if she hates me. She just has to be nearby.” – Sam-dong

9. “They say that there are two types of happiness. One is a happiness that you realize after the fact and the other is a happiness you feel in the moment... That happiness you feel in the moment is so precious that they say that the memories of this kind of happiness can stay with you and enlighten your life. Maybe we can turn today into the kind of happiness you feel in the moment so that we can remember this happiness for the rest of our lives.” – Jin-gook

10. "I’m not going! From the beginning, you were music to me, and music was you. That’s why I came this far. If you’re not there, there is no music.” – Sam-dong

11. “My dream is really really beautiful. It’s as beautiful as a fantasy. I want to achieve this dream and I have been very happy on the path to realizing this dream.” - Sam Dong


  1. 感覺這部片會很好看 xDDD

  2. 有些心情只有自己知道 哈哈~

  3. 哈哈 其實不完全是
    因為死神少女而認識的 一個很北七的朋友 xD


  4. 其實那個形容是蔡智恆寫在《鯨魚女孩,池塘男孩》的一段話
    我只是略改略改 >w<

